Willie G
The SoulMan
17th July 2007 - although sadly the man is no longer with us, his warm voice and his endless energy will live on for ever.
We would welcome comments and any pictures through the MySpace link above.
17th July 2008

Memorial gig 

Yates Bar
7.30 - 12.00

St Michael's Hospice
Yates Bar
Little London Studios
Arrow FM
Hastings Observer

Entry £3.00
Profits to St Michael's Hospice
Yates's Bar
The Expresso Brothers
Herb Man Dan
Pat Valentine Live Disco ft Terri Etoile
Willie G - the 'Finale' album
MC's Echo & Stepz
Plus - guest appearances of:
'Michael Jackson' and 'Elvis'
and more ...
Willie's son, Kane, came over from his job at Disneyland to sing a couple of tracks - also dueting with daughter Abbi.
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Clips from the last abum
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All of the above songs were produced from
karaoke tracks except 'Reach Out' - included with the kind permission of Paul Waghorn.  Willie fondly regarded this track as his own.
After a few technical difficulties at the start were overcome the evening went off really well - with a whole range of musical styles.

It was a time to remember Willie, the man, and the entertainer.

Proceeds were later donated to St Michael's Hospice.

The album is available from:
Little London Studios