Are you a budding writer, or an experienced author, looking for publication?
We can help get you published avoiding the need to print a high number of copies of your book, thereby running up a large amount of money, to keep book prices down. Print to order means customers pay for a book to be printed and posted - you have no print costs to outlay, you simply receive royalties on each copy sold.
We will help at each stage once we receive your digital manuscript… proofreading, editing, preparing for print. We will also design your book cover, submitting for print after gaining your approval.
Once the book is ready to print we will inform you the print cost per book and advise on selling price, also quoting your royalty level.
Every book is different but, as a guide, the figures below will indicate costing.
Proofreading, editing and setting up for print: £4.50 per double-spaced A4 page
Formatting for Kindle eBook: £1.00 per page
Cover design: £75.00
Publicity and marketing: 20% of royalties
These prices are negotiable on projects over 200 pages.
In the first instance send details of page count, type of book, etc., to the email below: