
Your Stories

Do YOU have a story?

If you would like to share your own story with others please email it in as an attachment for possible inclusion here. Enquiries

Stevie Ze - in conversation

Stevie Ze

"Be at one with yourself - be unique - you are special"

Personality disorder causes isolation, solitude and an inability to comfortably coexist with the rest of society.

Anxiety can result in frightening panic attacks, constant worrying over just about anything at all, often with a vio;ent, sick feeling of nausia mixed with fear.

Depression is a crippling illness that can affect anyone, at any time, without warning. At times like these alcohol ca be a very easy crutch to lean on, or brick wall to hide behind. It can creep up on you and take over just like the black cloud of sheer peril that it is... see more



Dealing with bereavement

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is something we all have to deal with over the years. Coming to terms with the situation is rarely easy but acceptance of the fact is one of the most important factors. This is probably a little easier if the loved one had reached a decent age, rather than a life lost too early. You may feel a need to blame someone, be that a disease, a drunk driver, even a killer, but a burning hatred of who or what you feel was responsible will only do you harm in the long run – and still does nothing to change the situation. This is where acceptance is so important.see more

Louise S


Mum, aged 32, alcoholic

My problem with alcohol first started way back in my teens but it was a bit later I realised that the problem was bigger than I thought...

I'm going to start where my marriage was falling apart. It was always such a big thing in the in-laws' lives to have a drink. I thought it was normal but I've got to admit it wasn't the life I wanted. We were either drinking and partying at theirs, or I was at home alone partying...see more

Russell T Bird


"British Soul sensation"

Russell T Bird was born in Edmonton, North London during the heydays of the great London soul movement, and started his professional career at the tender age of just sixteen years of age.

What a time to be alive! He soon made a name for himself as a young performer, playing around the infamous Flamingo Club, Wardour Street, The Marquee, The Tiles Club, Wigan Casino, and, of course, the legendary Speakeasy on Margaret Street, off Oxford St, during the seventies - where any truly honest soul fan should be seen... see more

Chester Bennington


"Linkin Park"

Chester Bennington‘s gritty rock voice belied a man struggling with depression and a history with drug and alcohol abuse.

On Thursday 20th July 2017 Chester – frontman for the million-selling alt-rockers Linkin Park — was found dead by police just before 9 a.m. inside a private residence in Palos Verdes Estates, California, authorities stated. He was 41 years old and left behind six children.

Chester had been candid about mental health battles in numerous interviews over the years. In 2015 he opened up about his dark periods to Rock Sound magazine... see more

Dave Taylor

Former Lord Mayor of York

"Bullying alway pissed me off..."

Bullying always pissed me off when I witnessed it at school, for instance, but I was shocked and surprised when it happened to me, as an adult, in the workplace.

I'd like to share my story to show that it can happen to anyone and can do considerable damage to their confidence and mental health. I'll mention no names to protect the guilty... but it happened when I was working for a QUANGO associated with the Council.

A new CEO came into post and she was lazy, aggressive and incompetent. After six months it was becoming untenable and a colleague and I reported her to my Board of Directors, and to the Council which encouraged me to make a formal complaint, but when I did so I was never permitted back into my office. The colleague then lost her bottle and went quiet... see more

Robin Williams

Thoughts on depression

“And being a fool, he was simple minded, he didn’t see a king. He only saw a man alone and in pain.” Robin WIlliams - The Fisher King

The death of Robin Williams has triggered a national conversation about depression and sends an important wake up call about the need for more public awareness and examination of the mental illness of depression. In an article in the San Francisco Examiner, Dr. John Greden, executive director of the University of Michigan Comprehensive Depression Center and founding chairman of the National Network of Depression Centers,wrote that 1 in 6 Americans suffer from depression or bipolar disorder at some time in their lives, and “an astounding 75 to 80 percent of deaths by suicide can be linked with these mood disorders.” He urges that more national focus is needed to fund and research how to understand and fight the disease of depression.

What can we learn from the tragedy of Robin Williams – A man who had so much but at the end had so little hope? We are reminded that depression is serious and needs to be treated. There is much we need to learn from this tragic death, so that depression becomes less of a curse that affects so many individuals in all walks of life... see more



As an ex-publican I've done my share of drinking and seen a lot of others bending their elbows. A few years ago I chose to cut right down on alcohol. I didn't feel the need to drink to relax or to enjoy myself more, I just prefer to keep a straight head. I don't try to preach to others - they've all made their own choices. Once at a party I was asked by another party-goer what I was drinking. I told him "Coke." His sneering response was, "You lightweight!" I then told him,'I'm an alcoholic," (which I'm not!) He immediately changed his attitude and gave me a thumbs up, "Good on yer, mate!" So, in his mind it's perfectly OK to not drink because of an alcohol addiction - but totally wrong to simply CHOOSE what to drink! At the end of the day it's your choice.

Hard or soft?

Bruce Lee

"Soft is hard" Sometimes it takes a bigger man to walk away than to get involved in an argument

Don't fuel the fire


Following on from Bruce Lee's quote - you can't put out a fire with petrol! Keeping your cool in an argument will give you the upper hand over a lost temper.

One day at a time


Once you have accepted that you have a problem that needs solving make life easier by dealing with it one minute, or one hour, or one day at a time.



As darkness falls around you the stars become easier to see.


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