

AriZe has been set up to help provide assistance when requested.

It stemmed from the achievements of Glam Punk Rocker Stevie Ze overcoming issues he had suffered with for years including, depression, anxiety, alcohol addiction, and the ensuing personality disorder. He found writing a book of his experiences - Rock & Roll Chronicles - a great help in the process (link pic below).

In the book Stevie talks about his early ventures into music, going to Singapore at the age of seventeen with £20 in his pocket and joining a hotel's resident band - then back in the UK joining UK Subs, leading to chart records and appearances on BBC TV. Plus anectdotes from his time working on music videos with many world-class celebrities such as Freddie Mercury and Monserrat Caballé, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, KISS, Diana Ross, Tina Turner, Elton John, and more.

Mike Harris, Stevie's manager, helped him, through TaM Entertainment, by preparing and publishing this book on Amazon. Subsequently Stevie expressed a desire to try to help others who are finding themselves in similar situations, being able to speak as the voice of experience. Through this was born AriZe.

STOP PRESS! Even though this is at a very early stage in its development we have already been able to help, in some small way, one long-time musician fight the negativity around him, which was leading to a drink problem, who went on to appear on TV in Britain's Got Talent.

Our Team

Stevie ZeSuicide


Mike Harris
